2020 Summer Camp Curriculum Downloads
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, our 2020 Summer Camp was a Summer Kit full of activities that campers could do remotely while still facilitating learning and conversations about race, gender, the environment, disability justice, youth activism, and more. We created these kits in the wake of the murders of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Tony McDade, and countless other victims of police brutality—and the subsequent uprising led by Black youth across the country.
Knowing that this was a vital time for youth to be learning, processing, and raising their voices, we focused the majority of our kits on anti-racism. Our goal was to promote collective problem solving on issues of policing, abolition, and community safety by providing supplies and guidance to our campers. The activities in our kits are a combination of original curricula developed by Budding Roses organizers, original activities developed by local radical organizations, and resources borrowed and credited from national educators, authors, and organizers.
We are uploading these activities here to make them easily accessible to anyone who shares our goals of liberatory education and youth empowerment.
A note on using these activities: Some activities require supplies that are not available via download (such as fabric, pens, seeds), but each activity contains a list of what supplies are needed. You may also notice references to activities by number (do activity #6 first; use supplies from activity #10), please disregard these as they only make sense in the context of the physical kit. Similarly, some activities reference a “return envelope”, which was only relevant during the live camp this summer.
As Black As Resistance
As Black As Resistance by Zoe Samudzi and William C . Anderson in a zine-style adaptation for kids. Learn about colonialism, anti-blackness, intersectionality, self-defense and more!
As Black As Resistance Zine download - to read online
As Black As Resistance Zine download - printable / double-sided
Black Lives Matter at School Coloring Book
By Caryn Davidson and Laleña Garcia. This book is designed to support teachers, students, parents and families in their conversations about race and the core values of the Black Lives Matter movement.
Indigenous Land Map
Land acknowledgement is one small way to help yourself and others understand that Indigenous people in North America are not one group of people from the past. There are many native people with different cultures, languages, histories and struggles that are still living on this land today!
Prison Industrial Complex from Critical Resistance
Critical Resistance (CR) is a national grassroots organization working to abolish the Prison Industrial Complex (PIC) by challenging the belief that caging and controlling people makes us safe.
A Better World Is Possible: Zine download - to read online
A Better World is Possible: Zine download - printable / double-sided
DIY Stencils and Block Prints
For artists with a message to share, stencils and block prints can be a great way to spread your art as wide as possible.
Walking Tour of Radical Portland
Let’s explore Portland! Portland has an amazing history of radical organizing. This map will show us where radical events have taken place throughout history and today.
Water is Life: Seed Balls Activity
Undoing the harm of colonization can be something we work together on in small and big ways. We can begin by practicing what Robin Wall-Kimmerer, calls “reciprocity”. Giving back to the earth that gives to you. With our seed balls, we are going to feed the bees that pollinate our food.
What is Police Abolition
Defining Police Abolition, imagining scenarios without police. What does safety look and feel like? How can we keep each other safe? What does a world without police look like?
Protest Songs and Drum
Songs and chants are the life of a protest movement. They are a way to express anger, our joy, and our power. Write your own songs and make your own protest drum too!
Songbook Activity - to read online
Tear Gas for Portlanders
A zine about tear gas and its use by PPB during the Summer 2020 protests. Learn about what tear gas is, how it was used in Portland, and ways to keep yourself safe if you get tear gassed.
Transformative Justice Zine
An interactive zine about Transformative Justice: a process where all individuals affected by an injustice are given the opportunity to address and repair the harm.
White Supremacy Reflection
These videos and zine will explain some terms like “white supremacy”, “intersectionality” “privilege” and “systemic racism”.
Wish Flags
A wish flag is an opportunity to imagine a world that is different – something that you hope to change by working with your community, or good feelings you want to send out into the world
Why Writing People in Prisons and Jails Matters
Letter writing with incarcerated people encompasses our commitment to change, and the intersection of our priorities. In order to fight for prison abolition, we must connect with and advocate for those most impacted by the prison industrial complex.